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The Journey So Far

Mayors and Reeves of the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region (WMR), together with Chiefs of Treaty One are collaborating to reform governance in Manitoba through strong and unified commitment to reconciliation. Their efforts are formalized by an MOU process supported by the Collaborative Leadership Initiative.

The WMR Project emerged from a shared recognition by Municipalities and First Nations’ communities in the region that nature’s resources needed to be addressed from a regional land use approach. MNAI’s role in this larger context has been to determine how to apply natural asset management to facilitate shared decision-making and eventually inventory lands, water and natural resources within the Treaty One Territory.

This report shares experiences from the WMR Project in the hopes that it will provide a useful contribution to Reconciliation dialogue, research and projects in other contexts in Canada. As the Project is still underway, this report provides only a snapshot of the process at this point in time.

The Journey So Far - cover

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