Tomorrow is the last day to register early & save for the 2019 @BCLandSummit…


Tomorrow is the last day to register early & save for the 2019 @BCLandSummit: Collaborations & Connections, the premier interdisciplinary conference for land & land-use professionals in BC & beyond. MNAI is looking forward to being one of the presenters at this event.



On January 29 MNAI was part of a Government of Canada announcement in Vancouver …


On January 29 MNAI was part of a Government of Canada announcement in Vancouver of funding for climate change adaptation and resilience in BC, including scaling up approaches to measure and manage municipal natural assets. Feds represented by Paul Lefebvre, M.P. and Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Natural Resources (centre). Link:


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Great news: MNAI selected to speak at upcoming Canadian Network of Asset Manager…


Great news: MNAI selected to speak at upcoming Canadian Network of Asset Managers meeting in Kelowna in the stream, “Strategies for the Future”….although municipal natural asset management is a strategy for both the present and future…



Municipal Natural Asset Management 101