Tag: Workshop
Job Opportunity
Job Opportunity: Project and Operations Assistant
(Maternity leave replacement, 18-month contract) As communities from coast-to-coast-to-coast experience the impacts of climate-related weather events, natural asset management is an increasingly…
Blog Post
How Planners Can Build Better Communities with Nature
NAI working with Prairie planners to balance nature and growth We’re back! NAI’s team has returned from two impactful workshops with planners…
Linking nature and infrastructure – a challenging dialogue
Every day, local governments rely on advice from engineers, planners, landscape architects, accountants, specialized asset managers and others to manage infrastructure. But…
Natural Asset Management Challenge Dialogue
Read the reports on a challenging dialogue that responded to natural infrastructure (NI) and natural asset management (NAM) norms, identified core competencies,…
Register Now! Fall 2023 NAM Workshop Series
Register Now! Fall 2023 NAM Workshop Series Take your natural asset management (NAM) knowledge to the next level; fall registration is now…
Progress Report
Progress in the Prairies: Natural Asset Management in Saskatoon
The City of Saskatoon is creating a way to work with nature to meet critical service delivery needs through natural asset management (NAM). Specifically,…
Natural Asset Management Workshop Series
Register Now! Fall 2023 NAM Workshop Series Take your natural asset management (NAM) knowledge to the next level; fall registration is now…
Blog Post
Interactive Map Connects Nature-based Projects & Practitioners
The good news is that, due to a diversity of actors, there are many new innovative solutions and projects to drive progress…
Register Now! Fall 2023 NAM Workshop Series
Take your natural asset management (NAM) knowledge to the next level; fall registration is now open for NAI’s three-part virtual workshop series!…
Grindstone Creek Update
The MNAI Grindstone Creek Watershed project – the first of its kind in Ontario – just passed another milestone with an implementation…
Studies examine natural assets’ role in coastal risk and resilience
Gibsons, B.C., and Pointe-du-Chêne, New Brunswick, are learning about the value of their coastal natural assets and how they can protect against…
The Grindstone Creek project has been making excellent progress in the few months since it launched
The Grindstone Creek project has been making excellent progress in the few months since it launched (see Greenbelt-MNAI announcement). At the end of November…